Root Canal Treatment

Far from a daunting treatment, having a root canal in Pasadena at Allen & Washington Dental is the path forward to a pain-free mouth. This pain-free procedure allows our patients to fight back against severe damage to their teeth, preserving their oral health with a single quick treatment. Call our office today if you notice any signs that might mean you are ready for a root canal treatment.

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a treatment “inside” the tooth that is directed toward healing the tissues and pulp surrounding the tooth. Thanks to modern technologies and special techniques, dentists can have a view of the tooth insides and treat them without any complications.

What Are the Benefits of a Root Canal?

In fact, the treatment is a tooth-saver. Even if the pulp is removed, the tooth is able to serve for a long time. After the procedure, the tooth will maintain its integrity, and there will be no changes in chewing and other functions. All in all, the tooth will:

  • Have a healthy and natural appearance

  • Restore its chewing and biting functions

  • Be durable and last for a long time

  • Be safe from being extracted

Signs You Need a Root Canal Treatment

When a tooth is severely damaged by decay, the only way your dentist can save it from extraction is to perform a root canal treatment. We recommend contacting our office as soon as you notice any of the symptoms associated with a tooth at risk. A few signs that you need a root canal treatment include:

  • Severe tooth pain (even when not chewing)

  • Prolonged sensitivity to heat and cold when eating or drinking hot and cold items

  • Darkening or other discoloration of the tooth

  • Swelling and tenderness of the gums near the affected tooth

  • Gum discoloration around the affected tooth

  • Bleeding from the gums

What Is a Root Canal Procedure Like?

The root canal procedure usually takes one or two visits, and the whole procedure is divided into a couple of quick phases. During the first appointment, the dentist will numb your mouth and make sure you are completely comfortable throughout the whole treatment. Then, they will access the inner part of your tooth and remove all damaged tissues and pulp. to do so, your dentist at Allen & Washington Dental will need to make only a small hole in the tooth to have access to the canals. In many cases, this feels less noticeable than even a routine dental filling treatment. The cavity caused by this process will then be filled with a special substance that seals it off from bacteria. That is all there is to it, and there should be zero pain at any point of the root canal procedure.

The second appointment is used to check the quality of the filling and to make sure everything was done correctly. If everything looks good, it means your tooth has been restored, and you’ll be able to enjoy its improved state for years to come!

Is There a Recovery Period?

After a root canal, your tooth may be sensitive for a brief period of time, and the surrounding area may have a bit of soreness. But aside from these minor concerns, patients will need virtually no downtime and instead can begin enjoying relief from their symptoms almost immediately. In most cases, you should be able to carry on with normal activities within 24 hours of the treatment, enjoying your newly pain-free tooth. The dentists at Allen & Washington Dental will give you advice on how to take care of your teeth after the procedure as well as tips on how to prevent any future complications.

When is a Root Canal Really Necessary?

Mainly, treatment is necessary when there is major damage to the tooth, either because of progression of tooth decay or due to an injury (e.g., cracking the tooth and exposing the inner pulp). As such, treatment is essential to prevent or clear out canal infection. When performed by the right endodontist, timely root canal treatment can save the tooth from needing to be extracted.

​​​​​​​Because of the name of the procedure, some patients conclude that this is an invasive and difficult process. However, this reputation comes from decades ago, before modern dental techniques were used.

Looking for a Root Canal near You?

Schedule an appointment for a complimentary consultation to learn if a root canal in Pasadena is the treatment you need to overcome painful symptoms. At Allen & Washington Dental, you will be in the very best of hands and benefit from our experienced dentist, modern tools, and state-of-the-art facilities. Get back to enjoying life with a beautiful smile again! Contact us today by phone or through our online form for more information on how we can assist you in alleviating symptoms and protecting your oral health.