Tooth Extraction

Precise Care to Protect Overall Oral Health

Dentists always aim for the preservation and treatment of the teeth of their patients. However, there are cases when it is impossible to preserve the tooth, and its treatment can be just a waste of time or can cause harm to the mouth cavity later. For cases like this, tooth extraction may often prove to be the only solution. At Allen & Washington Dental, we provide both wisdom teeth removal and tooth extraction in Pasadena for our patients when a tooth simply needs to go in order to protect your overall health.

When is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

  • Extensive tooth damage because of decay

  • Gum infection

  • A broken tooth beyond restoration

  • Damaged wisdom tooth

  • Treatments that include implants and dentures, when the extraction is a part of the process

When Do I Need to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars on each side of the lower and upper jaw. They usually come out between 17 to 25 years old. Although some people have no problems with them, it is common for them to become impacted or start causing pain because they don’t have enough room in the mouth cavity. In these cases, wisdom teeth removal can be the solution.

At Allen & Washington Dental, we use advanced techniques to remove wisdom teeth in Pasadena with minimal pain and fast recovery time. Our experienced dentists will examine your mouth cavity, consider all the factors, and give you an accurate diagnosis. Once it is done, they can proceed with the extraction if necessary.

Procedure for Dental Extraction

Patients might not always understand what exactly is going on with their teeth. Only a visit to a dentist can reveal the real problem and the choices for treatment.

However, severe pain and an infectious tooth can prompt the patient that they might undergo a tooth extraction. Both of these symptoms are core signs that something serious might be going on with one’s tooth.

Tooth removal is not a complicated process, and mostly, it takes only minutes to complete, with the exception of certain cases. It is conducted under local anesthetic in most cases, though some patients may need general anesthesia for more complicated extractions (such as for impacted wisdom teeth removal). Before the main procedure of extraction, the area should be fully numb so as not to cause unwanted pain to the patient.

Is there a recovery period or certain steps to take after extracting a tooth?

Mostly, patients can immediately walk out of the dentist’s office and face no further implications. Yet, even if everything has gone without complications, patients should avoid hot drinks and food for a while, as the latter might cause bleeding. Other precautions we encourage patients to take can include avoiding hot baths, alcohol, and strenuous exercise.

In most cases, the initial recovery period is only a few days, and swelling and discomfort rapidly fade during this time. For more involved extractions, such as with impacted wisdom teeth, patients may experience more swelling and minor pain (which can be managed with medication). Still, most side effects resolve in a matter of days.

​​​​​​​For teens and adults who have wisdom teeth pulled, we recommend being ready to take at least a couple of days off from work or school to allow for swelling and discomfort to subside.
Following the procedure, do not hesitate to reach out to our office if you have any concerns or questions regarding your recovery.

How Can I Replace an Extracted Tooth?

The most common way to replace an extracted tooth is with a dental implant. It is a permanent solution and requires no daily upkeep, just like natural teeth would do. Implants can also be used to replace multiple teeth in one go, as they are fixed with titanium screws into the jawbone. At Allen & Washington Dental, we specialize in high-quality implants, but we also provide other options for replacing teeth, such as dentures and dental bridges. With a consultation with our dental specialist, you can go over your options and choose the best replacement solution for your needs.

Looking for tooth extraction near You?

Schedule an appointment for a complimentary consultation to explore your options for tooth extraction in Pasadena. While we always take every step to preserve our patients’ teeth, when extraction becomes necessary we perform the procedure with care and precision. Our goal with every outcome is for our patients to have improved oral and overall well-being. Call our office or use our online form to book a consultation appointment for tooth extraction or wisdom teeth removal in Pasadena.