At present medicine has managed to conquer such heights that people could only dream of it 50 years ago. One of that achievements is dental implants.
In short a dental implant is an artificial tooth with metal root what is placed into your jawbone. But you need a little surgery for implementation of this procedure. If you are interested in this wonder of science then you must know that there are several types of dental implants. Those are: single tooth implant, implant supported bridge, all-on-4 dental implants and 3-on-6 dental implants.
The first type is single tooth implant. This implant is recommended those who are missing only one tooth. A small, screw-like titanium serves as the root of the tooth. And the new tooth will look so natural that no one will be able to distinguish it from a real tooth.
What is implant-supported bridge?
The next is implant-supported bridge.This type of implant is suitable for those who are missing more than one tooth. A dental bridge is a dental crown which consists of two or more parts connected to each other. This is a fixed prosthetic appliance. If you are afraid that it will look like a fake, know that crowns are made of ceramic, what makes it look natural.
When to choose 4 based dental implants
If you want to replace dentures, you should choose all-on-4 dental implants. But in that case, minor surgery is required. A small titanium screw is placed into the jaw which replaces the root of the missing tooth. Then the false teeth are fitted onto. At the end you will have a natural and beautiful smile.
After all, what number are 3 by 6 dental implants?
And finally, 3-on-6 dental implants are for people who don’t want or avoid an implant- retained prosthesis. These are three separate dental bridges that are fixed to six dental implants. These types of implants are similar to a dental bridge but with artificial roots. You should choose these type of implants if you missed an entire arch of teeth. If you are confused after this information and you have a question how to choose an implant convenient to you so you should consult a dentist.
It would be better if during the consultation you discuss the options in more detail, ask questions about what is bothering you, and view photos of similar procedures before and after. The doctor will advise you an implant which is best for you.